Sunday, March 15, 2009

A weekend of babysitting

So, I am at it again, yep you guessed it, BABYSITTING! I hate babysitting. I have been doing this since I was eleven years old. I used to made $2.50 an hour for 2 kids. Ya, it wasn't much, but you won't believe the amount of money that I had saved up from babysitting. Its a pretty prosporus job. The only problem is that you have to work in the prime hours, such as Friday and Saturday nights, and on the weekends. This is when everyone wants to go out on dates. Or you work the holidays like New Years Eve. Babysitters make prime money these days.
I however have had my fair share. I am tired of it. I love the kids, but I don't want to give up my entire weekend anymore to watch someone else's kids. Ya the money is okay, but if you have the money and can't spend it then who cares right? I think that this is my last weekend. There are other things that I want and need to do on the weekends, and laundry is one of them. When you are older there are responsibilities, and I am sure that the kitchen in my mother's house is looking horrible and that I need to be there to clean it. Because I am sure that the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, but there is no way that my mother will empty it. I swear its a game we have, see who empties it first. I always lose. I just get to a point and I can't take it anymore. I can only handle dirty for so long.

Well, say farewell to the babysitting days!! This is my last weekend, unless I get like $750 to do it. Saying farewell to another chapter in my life.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Golfing with Poppy... My memories of those days

So my sister decided to write a post about golfing with Poppy on the weekends when we were kids. I thought I would write my memories about those times. Its amazing how two people can go and do the same thing but have different memories and recollections of those times. Its pretty cool and makes me miss those days as a child.
Mom was usually working on the weekends, so Dad was left taking care of Andi and me. It seemed like we went golfing almost every weekend when we lived on Ft Bragg. As my sister said we would always get there early, usually Pope or Striker. I liked Striker better myself, but Andi liked Pope better. Anyways, when we first got there Andi and I would ask Poppy to get a cart. We loved driving the cart, but I don't remember ever getting one. He would always say, "we can either get a cart or go to Burger King afterwards." Well, my sister and I loved food and still do, so we would always say Burger King. However, I never remember dad taking us afterwards, lol. We Would get a snack before we started though. We'd eat whatever unhealthy thing dad got us at the first hole. Then it was time to walk, and walk we did. We ALWAYS did 18 holes. I always loved the 8th hole, because dad would give us money to get food at the snack bar, and by the time we got our food we would meet him at the back 9 holes. I remember pulling dad's clubs, but that only lasted a hole or so before I gave them back. He would always laugh because we could never last that long. Andi and I would get bored, so we would play with the golfball retriever. I forgot about that until she mentioned it, but it was true. We would try to retrieve forgotten golf balls from the lakes. It was crazy, but we usually only got grass and crap. But, it gave us something to do. I remember that I used to love to clean the golf balls. They always have a little cleaner at every hole to wash the ball, and for some reason I really enjoyed this.
Andi mentioned some rules that dad taught us for golfing:
Be quiet
Don't laugh when people go into the woods or water (they got mad)
If there is a coin on the green, don't pick it up, its to mark the ball (note, dad and his friends thought it was hysterical when I thought I found a nickel on the green. They had to explain that it was there to mark the ball.)
Hold the flag still
Don't walk between the ball and the hole on the green, it will affect the next shot
Always bring a jacket

There is one memory that I am really fond of. This was when Andi was older, so she didn't go anymore. It was a REALLY COLD day. We drove about an hour to this really great golf course. I just thought it was a long drive. The weather wasn't the greatest, it was misting outside. I had brought plenty of clothes, but it was cold. I was miserable the entire time. It was so cold outside that we were the only idiots playing. Everyone else was inside the clubhouse. AND, the was ice forming on the golf clubs when it misted! It was horrible!! I was so miserable, I swore I would never again go with weather like that. Dad played terrible, it was really cold and so did his friend Mike. I don't think I will ever forget that day.

I had such a great childhood with so many wonderful memories. Its weird how soemthing will make you think of a time in your childhood that was forgotten, but now you remember it like it just happened.
I can't wait to have my own kids one day (no time soon many years away), so I can create these awesome memories with them.
Thanks mom and dad for giving me and Andi a great childhood. Thanks Andi for being there for me to kick my ass all the time and to allow me to make your life a living hell when I was a kid. It was fun. Remember me kicking your bedroom door all the time? I think of that and laugh now, lol

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Catching Up. Life is GREAT!!!

Its been a while since I have posted anything. Life has been really crazy. Things are really good right now. Its almost surreal, because everything is going so well. I finally finished my internship for college and my last class is done! The only thing I have left to do is to write my 25 page paper and take a test and then I am done with school!! I have been working as an Admissions Coordinator where I did my internship. Its okay, not my favorite job, but its a job none the less. I will start my AIT internship there in about 2 months, and that will go for 5 months. Then I will be a licensed nursing home administrator. I can't wait to finish and get my own facility. I will finally be starting my career and making a decent living! Its all coming together. I am also dating a really great guy, Adam. Adam is a 3rd grade teacher here in Fayetteville. He's awesome. We;ve been dating for about a month now, and he is unlike any other guy I have dated. Uusually I say, "oh this guy is great, BUT" Well, there is no but with Adam. He has never been married, engaged, and doesn't have any kids! He has a good career he enjoys and seems to be really good at. He owns his own home and even has a car! This guy sounds too good to be true! He likes to go hiking and we will be doing this sometime soon. Wants to go to the vineyard also, which I think is great. My sister asked me if he wants to do things I like, and amazingly I said yes, cause he does. He actually asks my opinion on things and doesn't like it when I tell him to decide. He actually wants my opinion and cares if I am having a good time. Adam likes to golf, and even wants me to go with him. This reminds me of the times when I went golfing with my dad as a child. He used to take my sister and me with him almost every weekend to the golf course. I have fond memories of golfing with dad. Andi and I would raise hell on the golf course. Good times. So I am really excited about going golfing with him. I am really excited about this whole thing. My sister was teasing me and giving me a hard time about Adam. It was finny. This is the first guy that she hasn't said "what are you thinking you idiot" Well, my sister was right. Finding someone who really cares about you is worth it. You shouldn't settle. This is so different from the last 3 relationships that I had. I am just really excited to see what the future will bring. We are going to see Hoobastank tomorrow night. They are an awesome band. I can't wait.
Life is GOOD!! And I will be going to England to see my sister, brother-in-law, and my dad. Its gonna be great. Can't wait.
One more thing. We finally have LIGHTS in the bathrooms!! No more dark showers!