Had another phenominal weekend with Josh! Things are going great, and we are both having a great time. Josh had Friday off after working crazy all week. I had an interview for a job with a headhunter in Charlotte. It was a good interview, I learned a few things, but will not take a job that far away from Fayetteville. Then I got a call from Bill for an interview with a great corporation on Wednesday. Fingers crossed on that one, and I will keep you updated on how that goes.
So about the weekend. Josh surprised me and just came over around 5pm on Friday. After I finally got ready, we went to his place so he could get ready so we could go out. We planned on doing dinner and then pool. Dinner was good, and I even had fried zuccinni sticks!! It was good. By the time dinner was over, we just decided to go home and chill, pool can wait.
Saturday morning he cooked me breakfast again. What a great man, he cooks my egg whites for me!! The only thing missing here is the coffee, but we are working on that one, lol. We hung out for a while, and then went to mom's so I could pick up some clothes. That is the only pain, in that I have to pack a bag whenever I go over there. However, I am slowly leaving stuff over there, but not too much. I don't wanna move too fast, and am cool with the way things are going right now. One day at a time I believe. Josh was sweet and helped mom fix her phone. Then we went over to Christian's to get the dress altered for his wedding. Then it was off to Tre's to hang out with them. It was cool. There was no schedule and we just did whatever and hung out with friends.
Then it was off to Greenville. We stopped in Smithfield so I could get a watch. Lost my last one. I got two, and they are very similar and cute. Josh got some things as well. The drive was great. We listened to country music and sang the entire way. That man can sing let me tell you!! THe 2 hour drive flew by. Got there and did dinner. Sandy said 5pm, but ya, the party didnt start till 9pm. Oh well. We hung out and he met everyone. We both came to the realization that while we both like going out and having a few drinks, doing it with a bunch of 18-20yr old college kids is not as much fun as before. Their mentality is very different. We both just sat by the great fire Josh made and relaxed. I forgot there were even other people there. We left about 11pm, we had had enough. The next morning we met Lee, Jan & Roger at Starbucks for the Sunday ritual we all started when I lived in Greenville. That was one of the best parts of the weekend. It was great a nd relaxing, and I just love them! They are some great people and really seemed to like Josh, but who wouldn't. Then we went home, yet another great drive. Once back, we relaxed, took a good nap, and hung out. Finished the night with some pizza. Josh was sweet, took me to get mom dinner, and then took me home. Then we just relaxed till it was time for him to go home, as he had to work on Monday.
It wasn't anything too exciting, but it didn't have to be. I had a great time with a great man. It's amazing how someone can make things so much fun and relaxing at the same time, and you can be yourself the entire time. How cool!
Here are some great pictures of us from that weekend. Looking forward to many more great weekends to come!
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