Look at my hair!! I loved it. I think I will do it like this for my wedding. Very pretty

This is my favorite picture. I think it is the most flattering. I loved that dress.

My good friend Robin and I in the back yard

Todd and I in the back yard

A close up of me and Todd.

I took this and think it came out rather well. I like it

This is a picture of the dress. Its okay, but it shows the detail of the dress well

New Year's Eve was great. I was invitied by my old boss James to go to a New Year's Eve ball for the Sugar Bowl. The Sugar Bowl is a huge annual event here in New Orleans. For those of you who have no clue what the Sugar Bowl is, it is like the Super Bowl but for college teams instead of pro teams. I did find out who is playing last night, since I had no clue. It is Alabama and Utah, neither of whom I am the least bit interested in. Anyways, back to the ball. So, of course this event was black tie and cocktail dresses, so I had to go out and get a dress since I own so few, only 1 actually. I bought the cutest black dress that cost a fortune $158 to be exact. Then I even went and bought a camera to take pictures, because my mom was insistent that I take pictures since I never dress up. I even went as far as to get my hair done. It turned out great I think. It had a 50s feel to it, and since I think women looked absolutely beautiful in that era, I loved it. Once I was all girly looking, I went over to Robin's house to show her the dress and borrow a clutch since I don't own one, and I took pictures over there. I think they came out rather well. Judge for yourself.
I went to the ball with Karla, and she looked very pretty too. Oh, I forgot to mention that the ball was at the Hilton. It was in the Grand Ballroom. They did a beautiful job decorating the place, and you have got to see the invitations, they are so cute. We had the best seat in the house, right up next to the stage, since we were sitting with James. He always gets really good seats because he is on the committee. They had a buffet and it was good. I had duck and spare ribs, which tasted good. They also had rice, potatoes, green beans, and some other stuff. There was also a sushi bar, which I declined, but it did look good. And of course there were raw oysters, this is New Orleans people. It was open bar all night, so I had a few glasses of wine, but kept to just that, as I didn't want to embarrass myself or anyone else, and I really didn't want a hangover the next day. I can only imagine the bar tab for the entire event last night, it had to be crazy expensive. But hey, when you are dealing with big wig people, you go all out right.
So, I had a really good time and even danced, thanks to James. I was exausted and feeling good due to the wine, so we left at 11:30pm and went home. I was really cool with that. I was nervous all day trying to get ready for the event, and I only slept for 3 hours the night before because I was so excited, so I was definately okay with leaving early.
Okay, so I talked long enough. Here are the pictures that everyone has been bugging me about. Hope you like them. They were taken with my NEW camera. It was expensive too, $450 after the service plan, bag, and memory chip. Enjoy and Happy New Year to you all. Hope its a great one for you.
Thus the reason why I haven't called you for car parts... ;-)